To understand this blog, you'll need to be familiar with Joel's Necessity Network Part 1. In brief, I posited that only three things were absolutely necessary in life:
- A saving, love relationship with Jesus Christ
- Bringing others into a saving, love relationship with Jesus
- Wisely managing the resources God has given us to fulfill our commission in Necessary #2
Now for Part 2...
Notice what is lacking from the list. It is not necessary to have a good time. It is not necessary to be comfortable, or even safe. It is not necessary to have the approval of your family or friends. It is not necessary to save the environment, or to make the world a better place.
Let me be very clear. These things are not bad or sinful in themselves; they are simply not of primary importance. If you were in the military and your commanding officer commissioned you to carry a message to another unit, would that mean that you shouldn't grab your boots, or eat supper, or shine the buttons on your coat? No, it just means that these activities are not your top priority. Your job is to carry out your mission effectively and efficiently.
Do you understand my point? I'm not bashing environmentalism, or humanitarianism, or activism, or consensus, or safety, or fun. I'm simply pointing out that as Christians, our first, last, and overarching priority should be Christ and His Kingdom.
Don't try to excuse my point by bringing up Augustine and his idea about how the City of God is dependent on the City of Man. Yes, I appreciate our civic structures, yes, I believe we should vote, yes, the environment is important, yes, the situation in Darfur/Afghanistan/Somalia/Sri Lanka/Haiti is something we should be concerned about, BUT. . . Ultimately, primarily, we have something much more precious and important to offer -- Living Water, the Bread of Life, Overcoming Peace, Eternal Joy, Everlasting Life.
Love your neighbor as yourself, feed the hungry, defend the widows and orphans, help the poor, heal the sick, but do this with the knowledge of the End and a mission of leading others to Christ.
"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness"